DragThing Version 1.6 of 1st May 1996 by James Thomson
“It’s not just another launcher…”
This is a major new release of DragThing with some cool Internet features added. In addition there are speed increases and a lot of user interface enhancements and new options. Please give a copy of this version to anyone you know that uses DragThing.
The DragThing web page is now available at <http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~james/dragthing.html> and it should always have the latest version and information. If you have Internet Config installed, just click the DragThing logo in the About DragThing window to go there automatically.
Version History
Now you can drag URLs into docks and double-click them to open with Internet Config installed.
Now you can import HTML files to create docks of URLs and export them to HTML again.
Now you can rearrange the layer folder tabs by dragging and can move layers between docks.
Now you can change the name of dock items without changing the name of the original.
Now you can copy and paste custom icons for dock items.
Added option to double the speed of drawing docks showing item names by caching data in memory.
Added option to double the speed of startup by not checking for bad dock items.
Added options to show the full path, icon and filetype of the current item at the bottom of the dock.
Added option to use the real system WDEF (and worked round a problem caused by Aaron 1.3 ).
Added option to turn off zoom rects.
More routines for detecting and fixing problems with the Preferences file.
Much faster live dock window growing.
Much smarter hot corners on multiple monitor systems.
New about window with links to the DragThing web page.
New preferences window with multiple pages of options.
Lots of user interface enhancements and some other new options and bug fixes.
Recompiled with Metrowerks C/C++ 1.4.5.
Fixed -50 error at startup when a process with a custom icon was running.
Added multiple layers to docks with folder tabs to switch between them.
Added option to show the name of the item under the cursor at the bottom of the dock window.
Added option to cache the icons of dock items & other data in the Preferences file for faster startup.
Added option to highlight the running processes in all docks.
Added window to edit the colour schemes.
Added Label menu for dock items.
Added ‘Find…’ button to the missing file alert box.
Added ‘Launch Finder’ button to the ‘Finder not running’ alert box.
Now a dragged dock window will snap to the edges of the screen and other docks when close.
Now you can select and drag more than one dock item at a time just like in the Finder.
Now with live dock window growing.
Now you can resize the dock item squares and minimised docks on a per dock basis.
Now the process dock shows custom icons and labels for running applications.
Now icons for stationery files show up properly.
Now alert boxes and dialogs appear on the correct screen with multiple monitors.
Now hot corners work on multiple monitors.
Now full slot clicking can be set independently of single-click setting.
Now holding down command and control while clicking an item removes or quits it.
Now easier to localise into different languages.
Documentation rewritten and now distributed in eDOC & PDF formats with an Apple Guide file.
Various other minor (and not so minor) changes.
Recompiled with Metrowerks C/C++ 1.4.
Now can change the dock font and size.
Now can change the dock colours.
Now can hide dock window titlebars and show dock names in the titlebar.
Now titlebar position can be changed independently of dock orientation.
Now you can type the name of an item to select it like in the Finder.
Now position of dock windows can be stored relative to a specific corner.
Now accepts files dragged from Find File and other applications.
Added Window menu to switch between docks (with command-key shortcuts).
Added Import and Export commands to load and save a dock as a folder of alias files.
Changed the Dock Options window to include the single-click and minimise/maximise options and more.
Fixed crashing bug when dragging items into the Finder.
Fixed bug with folder icons being corrupted.
Fixed bug causing a phantom click when clicking on a minimised dock in the background.
Fixed bug in window positioning after a resolution switch.
Yet more minor application and documentation changes.
Recompiled with Metrowerks C/C++ 1.3.
Now keeps a backup copy of the Preferences file.
Now checks for missing dock items at startup and flags them with a red question mark over the icon.
Changed dock WDEF to System windoid style with zoom box to minimise/maximise docks.
Changed Dock Options dialog into a non-modal window.
Fixed potential problem when getting custom icons from files.
More minor application and documentation changes.
Now you can drag items in docks onto other items in docks.
Added new large icon with name view.
Dragging multiple items to an empty square in a dock will add them all if there is enough space.
Added experimental ability to lock docks.
Fixed bug in window positioning on multiple monitors.
Fixed crashing bug when opening the Preferences window on some Macs.
Some other minor application and documentation changes.